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The Essential Napkin Rose

The Napkin Paper Rose is a wonderful tool for a Random Act of Kindness that doesn't have to be reserved for a disaster. The Paper Roses are something that packs flat and plays BIG. You can have your roses ready to create and present by first pre-cutting them. They will then be easy to carry in your wallet and/or purse. When the time is right, all you have to do is take the rose out, fold, and create a memoir.

Giving a rose to someone brings a smile be it the clerk at the grocery store, the teller at the bank, or the server at the restaurant. This Act of Kindness will not only be a memory for someone but it also will be something they can keep, unlike a balloon which deflates in no time.

When we give a rose to someone we say: "Thank you for what you do or thank you for who you are." It will lighten their day, make them feel good. You have to experience it and see it, to believe it. We guarantee.

The young man behind the Napkin Paper Rose is Michael Mode, owner of Big Lightbulb Inc. Michael is a supporter of RNR.

But wait there is more!!!! I have come up with my own version of cutting and folding the Tea Rose. I would be very happy to share the steps with you. All you have to do is email me at Indicate in the subject line, Napkin Rose, and I will email you the eight easy steps.

Watch the video below to find out how to make your own napkin rose.

Visit and put in code: rednose for a 20% discount or call 1-800-913-8669 and tell them Red Nose Response sent you. Thank you to Michael Mode for his generous offer.

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